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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Please keep praying for Gen

Please keep praying for Illinois Preppers Moderator Gen Rogers

Latest updates posted on the Prayers for Gen facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=179633978759234

With Gen & Waylon last eve..she was up 2 hours in her special chair, sleeping..but upright..a new level for her brain to adjust to... Waylon looks weary, pray for good rest for him as the days go on , Lord strengthen him, for the race before him, or should I say the WALK of this journey ? You are enough Lord...
‎**UPDATE** 7-19-11 (8:50 PM)
WAterford now has one more patient!!!! :D Gen has been successfully transferred! Praise God! Prayers that she settles in well and wakes up in God's perfect timing! Also prayers for Walyon and that he gets some sleep as the transfer has I'm sure been stressful on him and the rest of the family! Thank you Lord!

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