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Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Prepper Goals

Happy New Year! The start of the new year is a time of reflection on the past and anticipation for the future. I no longer make new year's resolutions, because like most people, I never followed through with them! Instead, what I decided to do was to pick a few things that 'I always wanted to do' and decide that 'this year' was the year that I was going to do them! No sitting on the fence anymore, it was time to get 'er done! Doing this has helped me finally do some of those things that have only been desires for years.

This year, I have a goal that has been one of my goals for years: Grow more, Eat more of what we grow, and can and freeze more. My garden has grown larger every year as I've done this. Last year, I took time to learn to cook over an open fire with my dutch oven. It was a fun thing to do, and while I was at it I also learned how to start, and keep a fire going. This year I'll be learning to cook with the dutch oven hanging from the tripod that hubby bought me. I've been crocheting for years, but this year I'd like to learn to knit. I'm also finally going to read '1984'. I know, I know. How could I not have read it yet? Well, this is the year!

What are you going to accomplish this year? Is this the year that you finally put in a garden? Will you learn to can your garden produce this year? Maybe you're going to take the leap and order some chicks in the spring! Maybe you're just starting to prep and you're going to commit to buying a few extra cans of food every time you're at the grocery store! Wherever we are in the prepping journey, we can always do better! Each day that passes is one less day we have to prep, so the time to start is now!

Sometimes I walk in the pantry and think, "I've got plenty of food!" Other times I walk in the pantry and, in a panic think, "I need more food!" Reading the Newsweek article on preppers made me feel the later! So, I've decided to make January a major canning month. I've got the canners ready and I'm picking out some new meal-in-a-jar recipes that I'm going to try out of my new canning book. I'm clearing shelves in my pantry in anticipation of the influx of gleaming jars of security!! I'm taking some extra money and putting towards something that will make me feel alot more prepared.

Prep on!
Gen-IL Homesteader


Help U Prep said...

I think I need to re-read 1984! If I could only find it...must be buried in the boxes we have not unpacked from moving to our rental. This year is the year to buy our homestead! And hopefully get our chicks and start to hunker down.
Great post!

Gen-IL Homesteader said...

How exciting for you!!! Buying your homestead and CHICKS!! (I love my 'ladies'!) You guys must be very happy. I hope we'll see/hear about it on the blog!!

Gen-IL Homesteader said...

BTW, I just read your profile. I'm also a big fan of Ron Paul! He's the man!

Help U Prep said...

yuppers, don't ya wish they could populate the CONgress with more of his kind?
If we could just get a whole bunch more liberty lovers in place... Here's hoping the 2010 elections bring us a whole lot of little Pauls...heheh
I bet the ptb shake with fear on that thought! HA!

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